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Herd Immunity: Could this be a response to the current crisis?

Herd Immunity, you might have heard this term before or maybe not, negligible of this fact, today we will be discussing whether or not can this be a method of flattening the curve of COVID-19 in India. But first let’s jump on the meaning part. So, Immunity is an organism's ability to fight off infection. This happens when antibodies or special white blood cells spring into action to defend the body from infection. Herd immunity is more complex and has to do with protecting the whole population from a disease by immunizing a threshold number of individuals. After a certain level of immunization is reached, there are not enough people with the infection to spread it to other people. Once that threshold (about 60% of the population) is reached, the disease stops infecting new people. Or to put it in a lot simpler way, it means, letting a large percentage of the population get infected so that they can recover, develop antibodies and become resistant to it. Swed...
