- According to The Hindu,Burning stubble, the rice chaff left over after harvesting, is linked to winter air-pollution in Punjab as well as down-wind Delhi. In 2013, the National Green Tribunal issued a directive to Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh asking them to ban such stubble burning. The Centre has spent about ₹600 crore in subsidising farm equipment via village cooperatives to enable farmers to access them and avoid stubble burning. In 2018, Punjab had disbursed about 8,000 farm implements to individual farmers and set up 4,795 custom hiring centres, from where such machinery could be leased. The cost of hiring these machines was about ₹5,000 an acre. However, the success of these efforts has been mixed even though stubble-fires in 2018 were fewer than in 2017 and 2016, according to satellite maps by independent researchers. In 2018, Punjab had disbursed about 8,000 farm implements to individual farmers and set up 4,795 custom hiring centres, from where such machinery could be leased. The cost of hiring these machines was about ₹5,000 an acre. However, the success of these efforts has been mixed even though stubble-fires in 2018 were fewer than in 2017 and 2016, according to satellite maps by independent researchers.
- According to a survey done by InTech to know what public feels is the cause of pollution, 75% of them have said that Chaff Burning is the major cause in the increase of pollution. But blaming the hard working farmers is also not a solution.They do so as they are not aware of the pollution and if they know,they cant do anything as to remove chaff takes a very long amount of time and the machines that are used to take out chaff are very costly and the only option left to them is to burn the chaff.According to a Farmer that burning of chaff is also useful to them as the leftover after burning them acts a fertilizer for their fields and it makes the soil good for agriculture. InTech believes that only option left to stop Chaff Pollution is to make a Machine which will take out Chaff from the Soil and it will also not waste the chaff and instead the machine will also convert the chaff into the Fertilizer that the Farmer is saying.The machine will be at a very low cost so that every farmer would be purchasing it. InTech has been working on it and has made such machine "Chaff Processor''.Chaff Processor is currently going under some changes and is schedule to be launched next year at a low affordable price as told by Syed Farhan Ashraf,Founder,InTech.