Graphene batteries-The new future of batteries!! 😯🤫 Smartphones these days are evolving blazingly fast, they are revolutionising from what they were to cope up with the modern era, but the one thing that has been the same since the first smartphone launch is the battery of these devices. Ever since the starting, these smartphones are using Lithium-ion batteries which till date are powering all the smartphones and they have been pretty great considering that they can now be fast charged and last about a day or two, but I think that they are falling short as the smartphone features are becoming more and more powerful these days. But what if I told you that your smartphones will be able to fully charge in just 15 minutes and would last for about three to four days of heavy usage or maybe a week too…well this might just be possible with these graphene batteries. For starters what actually are graphene batteries? Briefly, graphene is a composition of carbon atoms tightly ...
InTech is an aspiring online digital & editorial company founded by Syed Farhan Ashraf. He is currently a grade 12 student pursuing Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics and Computer Science from La Martiniere College,Lucknow. He has taken part in many science model competitions at C.S.I.R.,N.C.S.C.,Innovation fest and many workshop on Robotics and has been awarded.He is also an Android App Developer and has done a workshop on it at IIT Delhi.